Intuitive Animal & Interspecies communication at Indian Time Arts!

As a member of the Turtle clan of the Huron-wendat tribe in Canada, and according to my cultural heritage, my personal experiences & holistic healing trainings, I believe that we are all connected and beyond distance, we are all one in this sacred circle of life on mother earth. I did not grew up on an "Indian reservation" but I  worked as a Native Arts, Music and dance teacher at the elementary school in our Wendat community, and as a Wendat language teacher. I also offered different interactive workshops and concerts for children & adults in Canada, Europe & USA on storytelling, Canadian First Nation’s music & culture, Ancestral Active Dreaming, etc.

Since my childhood, I always had a strong connection with Nature. As an adult, I had different encounters and deep communications with wolf, buffalo, gorilla, whale, dogs, birds (eagle, hummingbird, woodpecker, raven), among others. Also, many animals I did not even know existed (like the dragon of commodo) decided to show up in my dreams! 

My true love for the Natural world, and my desire to demonstrate this connection we all have/share became my main intention & inspiration for all my professional work and creative artistic practices. Through my original music, stories & different teachings, I bring forth this intention to demonstrate in different ways and make it more tangible for all people of the world, this inherrant connection we all share with all our relations; and now, my intuitive animal communication skills are an addition I wanted to add to the mix! So it is with great love and respect for all living beings that I offer my professional services for Animal communication/intuitive interspecies communication to you!

Please Contact me in the contact menu on this website for detailed the informations and prices if you are interested in a session. Note that all sessions are done remotely, wherever the animal is.

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