Tips on where to buy an awesome Native American Indian Flute!
When I first heard of the Native American Indian flute or North American Indigenous flute and searched for one in Quebec many years ago, they were very hard to find. Now, there is more flute makers today but most of them are not from Native American Indian heritage and, personally, for that kind of healing instrument, I prefer to get an authentic Native American Indian flute over a Native American Indian "style" one, which implies that this flute was made by a non-native person. I also like to call it, like Mr Kevin Locke, Lakota hoop dancer and flute player does, the North American Indigenous Flute.
Also, if you are a professionnal musician, you need an instrument that is built with the finest precision, has an awesome sound and is reliable. You will find some NAI flutes that have really beautiful and fancy designs with huge intricate sculpted blocks on top and some decoratioms hanging that make these stand out and look gorgeous but are impossible to travel with because of their fragility so you will probably end up playing them only at home. Also, don't get fooled by the image, a flute that has an amazing look doesn't necessary has an amazing sound too! Flute players with a good ear will agree that it's all about the sound!!!
So, in 2009, I travelled to Utah to attend a Native American Indian flute festival and found the love of my life! And guess what!?... This trip changed my life... and with my new flutes, I brought back home the flute maker!!! ;-) And, beside of being a wonderful man, dg Hatch is a member of the Chippewa tribe of Sault-Ste-Marie MI, he happens to be one of the best Native American Indian flute maker's I know! We now live in Oregon.
I've been playing flute for more that 40 years, transverse flute and later the Native American Indian flute in Cuban jazz and Brazilian music and for studio recording sessions for movies or musicians of different styles. So as a professionnal flute player, I highly recommend that you get one of dg Hatch's flutes. Now you will say that I am not objective here because he is my husband... Trust me, try his flutes and you will be amazed. He even managed to bring them to a higher level of response with his new design. For more informations check out regularly dg Hatch's Flutes website at
And feel free to contact dg's if you have any technical questions. His inventor's brain is always trying to improve the Native flute to bring this instrument to the best of its capacities in order to fit the needs of today's players. He also has a 100% satisfaction guarantee policy on his flutes sales so what do you have to loose?
And if you get a dg Hatch flute, please, I want to hear from you! Hope this was helpful!
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