Support the Arts & music, make a DONATION / Vous voulez faire un DON


Why a donation?
Because you love my music/art and wish to encourage my creativity...
Because you know that Arts & Music are essential to a healthy community and you want to participate in supporting an artist like me...
Because you are aware that money is an exchange of energy...
Because you know that abundance comes in many ways and you enjoy sharing yours with dedicated people.
Because you want to hear more of my original music...
Because you believe that the safeguard of First Nation's of North America is important and you want to help Native Culture...
Because you are an artist at heart or an art lover and want to keep art as a living culture not a fading tradition...
Because you want to offert me more opportunities to create freely in my life...
Because you like the fact that everyone is different and has something unique to share with the world and if they do, you like to be part of it...
Because you know how financial stress can suppresses creativity...
Because it feels good to help and encourage someone when we can...
Or just because you have no specific reason but feel drawn and inspired to do this at this moment!
Thank you, merci, tiawenhk, gracias, ubrigada!!!
Your help is well appreciated!
Wishing you the best on your own personal journey...
With love, gratitude & respect,
Shendaehwas Nathalie Picard
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